Don't get stressed over things you can't control. The best way not to let stress get into your system is not to sweat over details you really can't control anyway — like whether or not it rains on your wedding day, or if you see a groomsman take his shoes off and dip his feet in the pool. You can't control the weather and you can't control your crazy friends sometimes. But you can control your level of fun - so just let your wedding day flow freely. We promise you'll be all the happier for it!
Book a fun photographer. That's right, the choice of a photographer is important and will affect your wedding memories (which are supposed to be fun!), as well as how many good shots you get out of it. So take the time to scout around, look at portfolios, and work with someone whose style matches yours and who really "gets" you and your vision!
Give yourself a few little breaks in your wedding day timeline! Your wedding day will go by so fast and there may not be even a moment to actually be alone with your partner. Pad the timeline a little so you can sneak away for some time to just breathe and be together - even if it's just a quick drink on the patio while your guests are enjoying dinner.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Your wedding day is the perfect day to learn how to just let things go. If a tiny thing goes wrong (like say, a dog wants some belly rubs in the middle of your first dance), don't lose it! Enjoy your friends and family while laughing off any unexpected hiccups and know at the end of the day, you'll begin to start living your happily ever after with your favorite person.
Laugh at yourself and others too! It's okay to be silly and let those around you do the same. Try laughing instead of getting mad or upset about minor nuisances and things not going exactly as planned — it will put everyone in a better mood, and then no one gets stressed out. After all, this IS supposed to be the happiest day of your life!
Don't get stressed over things you can't control. The best way not to let stress get into your system is not to sweat over details you really can't control anyway — like whether or not it rains on your wedding day, or if you see a groomsman take his shoes off and dip his feet in the pool. You can't control the weather and you can't control your crazy friends sometimes. But you can control your level of fun - so just let your wedding day flow freely. We promise you'll be all the happier for it!
Book a fun photographer. That's right, the choice of a photographer is important and will affect your wedding memories (which are supposed to be fun!), as well as how many good shots you get out of it. So take the time to scout around, look at portfolios, and work with someone whose style matches yours and who really "gets" you and your vision!
Give yourself a few little breaks in your wedding day timeline! Your wedding day will go by so fast and there may not be even a moment to actually be alone with your partner. Pad the timeline a little so you can sneak away for some time to just breathe and be together - even if it's just a quick drink on the patio while your guests are enjoying dinner.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Your wedding day is the perfect day to learn how to just let things go. If a tiny thing goes wrong (like say, a dog wants some belly rubs in the middle of your first dance), don't lose it! Enjoy your friends and family while laughing off any unexpected hiccups and know at the end of the day, you'll begin to start living your happily ever after with your favorite person.
Laugh at yourself and others too! It's okay to be silly and let those around you do the same. Try laughing instead of getting mad or upset about minor nuisances and things not going exactly as planned — it will put everyone in a better mood, and then no one gets stressed out. After all, this IS supposed to be the happiest day of your life!
You'll want to get this free downloadable pdf to help you plan the perfect wedding day! We aren't collecting data, we aren't selling a thing! We just love weddings and want to help you with yours!
We know a thing or two about wedding photography. As Michigan wedding photographers with over a decade of experience, let us help you find the perfect photographer for your wedding with our advice.
Ever wonder how to save money on your wedding without forgoing what's really important to you? Detroit wedding insiders give their advice on how to save money in a dramatic way while still hosting the wedding of your dreams.
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Michigan wedding photography by Kellie Saunders, LLC. Kellie leads a team of dedicated and passionate wedding photographers in Michigan who service the Metro Detroit area. Her team provides wedding photography in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Royal Oak, Rochester, Birmingham, Port Huron and the entire metro Detroit area. This award-winning team's work has been published both locally and nationally. Her team of professional Michigan wedding and engagement photographers have an authentic documentary wedding photojournalism style while creating timeless signature fine art wedding portraits. Please inquire for destination weddings.
725 S. Adams rd., suite 140, Birmingham, MI 48009
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